Mapping the mental health of Wales

A report from the Acting Chief Medical Office for Wales has shown that people living in Blaenau Gwent have the worst rates of mental illness in Wales, with 14 per cent of people being treated for mental illness.

The study, which tabulates data concerning various medical conditions and general wellbeing, shows that for the year 2003/04 nine per cent of people in Wales were receiving treatment relating to a mental illness.

Dr David Salter, Acting Chief Medical Officer for Wales, said: “Addressing social, economic and environmental circumstances of individuals and communities is central to improving health across Wales. Health Challenge Wales, the national focus and driver for efforts to improve health, is making connections between a broad range of services not only from the health sector but also from the employment sector, schools, colleges, workplaces, local government and the voluntary sector.”

According to the report the area with the lowest percentage of people being treated for mental health problems are Gwynedd, Powys and Pembrokeshire.

From the report data the Chief Medical Officer’s office has created various health maps of Wales. To view them, click here.

For complete results from the report go to: