Welsh mental health charity receives substantial funding boost

The Welsh mental health charity Hafal has been awarded a grant by the Big Lottery Fund totalling over £1,500,000 to support innovative recovery-focused services for people with serious mental illness across Wales.

Hafal is one of nearly 19 organisations to receive substantial grants from the Big Lottery Fund under its Mental Health Matters programme, which has made a total of £13,608,286 available for Welsh projects working to improve outcomes for people with mental illness.

The grant awarded to Hafal will be used in two ways:

• to support and assist people with serious mental illness to overcome the barriers that prevent them from returning to work or achieving their vocational goals
• to work in partnership with the four Probation Areas in Wales to support offenders with serious mental health needs, providing a link between these vulnerable individuals and vital statutory or voluntary services that can address their needs.

Hafal’s Mental Health Matters funding will enable the charity to reach out further to socially excluded individuals who experience serious mental illness and provide them with new pathways to recovery.

List of all organisations to have received funding under the Big Lottery Fund’s Mental Health Matters programme:

Hafal – £1,528,806
NCH Gwent – £1,000,000
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust – £999,000
Coleg Harlech Workers’
Education Association – £995,567
Mind Cymru – £987,955
The Muslim Council of Wales – £942,299
Mental Health Foundation – £816,146
The Eating Disorders Association – £789,215
Cardiff University – £770,862
Powys Mental Health Alliance – £751,711
Helping Groups to Grow – £679,461
Aberconwy Mind – £596,756
MDF The Bipolar Organisation – £559,404
Gofal Cymru – £544,093
Aberystwyth and District
Citizens Advice Bureau – £517,958
Mind in the Vale of Glamorgan – £495,739
NCH Caerphilly – £316,900
Solas Cymru – £316,514

To go to the Big Lottery Fund’s Mental Health Matters site, click here.