Welsh Government wants to hear the views of mental health carers

If you care for someone with a mental illness the Welsh Government would like to hear from you.

The Government is about to update the Carers Strategy for Wales, its national plan for supporting unpaid carers. The Strategy sets out what the Government is doing to help the NHS, local councils, charities and businesses to provide better services and support to carers of all ages.

The Strategy was last updated over five years ago; the Welsh Government says it wants to make sure “it is still making a difference to carers’ lives”. The Government has put together a consultation document which sets out the actions it intends to take to support carers over the next three years. The Government will use carers’ responses to draw up the final Strategy which will be published in April 2013.

Hafal Head of Public Affairs Peter Martin said: “Carers have a crucial and positive role in the care and treatment of people with mental illness. One of the most important aspects of support is ensuring that carers have information to help them understand the individual’s illness as much as possible.

“The updated Carers Strategy for Wales must reflect the specific and unique needs that carers of people with mental illness have.”

To view the consultation document and for information on how to submit your views please visit: http://wales.gov.uk/consultations/healthsocialcare/carersstrategy/?lang=en