Flintshire service users and carers publish recipe book!

Let’s GetPhysical! reached Flintshire today at an event in Aston ParkCommunity Centre where visitors had the opportunity to pick up a copy of HafalFlintshire’s new recipe book!

June Davies, a carer from Flintshire, said: “We’vegot so many good cooks here that we decided that we wanted to share ourrecipes. So we had the idea of publishing our own recipe book.

“The book includes healthy andnutritious recipes which we have tried and tested. It has really made us lookat what we eat, the ingredients we use, how we source our food and how much itcosts. We hope the book will inspire service users, carers and anyone else to eatmore healthily and to experiment with their cooking.”

Here’s an exclusive recipe from Flintshire’snew cookbook!

The new book includes a recipe fromthe MP for Delyn, David Hanson, and is published by Double Click – a design and printingbusiness which supports and provides training/work opportunities for people inthe community with a mental illness.

Visitors at today’s Let’s GetPhysical! event also hadthe opportunity to get key health checks in the Mobile Health Centre; take partin self defence exercises, Tai Chi and a walk; and sample mood foods and healthybites.

Janet Fletcher, Hafal’s Acute FamilySupport Coordinator in Flintshire, said: “This year’s campaign has reallygot us motivated: there are loads of ongoing activities following today’sevent. We’re partnering with Flintshire County Council’s Sports Developmentsection to run a monthly carers’ walk which will involve training some of thecarers to be walk leaders. We’re also running Tai Chi sessions and monthly ten-pinbowling groups. Throughout the summer we’ll also be inviting primary care-relatedspeakers to our partnership meetings including a dental hygienist. So we’redefinitely looking at the big picture!”