ColegauCymru launches Further Education Mental Health resource project

In December 2018, ColegauCymru was awarded £175,000 to work with Further Education colleges in Wales on mental health pilot projects that would enhance existing provision, develop new interventions and importantly to encourage collaboration and sharing of best practice amongst institutions.

With Welsh Government funding, the sector as a whole has created 25 resources as a result of this project. We’re pleased to say that these resources are available on Hwb, the Welsh Government resource website from today. All but two resources are either digital only or can be printed as a physical resource. All materials and resources from this project funding are bilingual with both available on HWB.

The resources vary from an identification tool for students to use to self identify risks, resilience and wellbeing, a Wellbot programme, training courses to support staff, resources to enable staff and students to learn techniques for effective coping mechanisms, positive social behaviours, assertiveness, negotiation, devision making and relaxation and whole College approaches. Whilst the majority of resources are instantly shareable for the sector, some offer case studies to enable others to recreate activities, events and share good practice.

The projects have been worthwhile and a good use of resources. However, the institution-based findings show that there is a great and increasing demand on health and well-being services, which needs to be met in order to support learners to achieve their full potential.

To see the resources, please follow this link:

Posted by: Matt Pearce